Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday School, Church and Mom's Pot Roast

This is the 5th Sunday in the month. At our church on the 5th Sunday we have a pot luck breakfast and then the adult Sunday school classes meet together. On occasion I get the opportunity to teach the combined classes. This Sunday was one of those so after eating too much breakfast I taught the Sunday school class. It probably was not the best lesson I ever taught but everyone was nice about it.

After church Mom had cooked a pot roast with potatoes, carrots and onions. Along with that we had some fresh corn on the cob and biscuits and gravy. Shelly arrived in town from college just in time to come eat with us. Seems to me that meals are just better when my kids are there.

I am off to ride the bicycle and then maybe take a nap. I may have to take the nap first after eating too much.

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