Friday, January 1, 2010


I stopped by the office for a minute and decided to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. As I look back at 2009 I am struck by how good the Lord has been to my family and me. Not to say there have not been some hard spots but the good times were much more plentiful. I am thankful for so many blessings; Larry (and daughter-in-law) and Shelly, wife, mom, brother and his family, grandmothers, friends....

Thanks for reading my blog occasionally. I pray that you have a fantastic New Year and that our great country continues to dig out of our low. I think Deb and I are off to Texarkana to see a movie - maybe Sherlock Holmes, eat at Bryce's Cafeteria (where I have been eating since I was a small child), pick up mother-in-law and bring her home with us for a weekend and just generally be non-productive today. If it warms enough I might even go for a bicycle ride.

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