Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hempstead Hall Groundbreaking

Today I went to Hope to UACCH for the groundbreaking of Hempstead Hall. Hempstead Hall will be the new auditorium that the Hempstead County voters passed a one cent sales tax for construction of last year. It will be a very nice facility and will be a boon to not only Hope and Hempstead County but to all of southwest Arkansas. Governor Beebe, Congressman Ross, Represenative Powers, Dr. Suggs (UofA) and myself were some of the political types in attendance. In order to control the length of the program several of us were filmed and a short video (the photo above was from the video) was shown before Congressman Ross and Governor Beebe gave their remarks. In my remarks on the video I talked about how in a small state like Arkansas I think that we are at our best when we have the cities, counties and state working together in partnership.

Chancellor Thomason and his team always do a good job of planning and executing their events. Seems to me they could have scheduled it for a cooler day but I guess they can't be expected to get everything right.

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